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The russian tea market state and development trends

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The Russian tea market: state and development trends (артикул: 04121 16271)

Дата выхода отчета: 29 Июля 2009
География исследования: Russia
Период исследования: 2009
Количество страниц: 114
Язык отчета: Английский
Способ предоставления: электронный

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    Main research objectives are:
    1. Environment and economic activity estimation in terms of analysis of business processes occurring on the Russian tea market.
    The research period is 2004-2009.
    2. Revelation of development tendencies of the Russian tea market, expediency definition and possibilities of investors penetrate to it in conditions of turbulent market environment.
    The general trends and development forecasts of the Russian tea market are considered over near-term outlook.

    Information sources:
    1. Statistics figures of Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), Ministries of Agriculture, data of Federal customs service of the Russian Federation.
    2. Companies press releases, branch and expert estimations of mass-media.
    3. Own informational resource and extensive enterprises database of Information Agency «CredInform North-West».

    Outlook content:
    The marketing review “The Russian tea market: state and development trends” is structured into five sections according to contents.
    The first section is devoted to description of a general market characteristic, in particular: current situation; sales volumes of tea production; general directions of preference, suggestion and demand; trade marks presented on the market; leading companies groups; crisis processes influence on development of the Russian tea market and as a result existing problems. The analysis of the general tea market state allowed to define the sizes and a market potential in kind and in value terms.
    А number of the mentioned elements of the Russian tea market is revealed in details in the subsequent paragraphs of the first and second sections, namely: industrial aspect; features of consumption and demand; segmentation and price factors; processes concerning sales of products, and tea market counterparts.
    Also key financial estimated figures of leading market participants are presented in the review that allows in a sort to understand efficiency and productivity of their financial and economic activity.

    Considering that the Russian tea market is import depended, so its state analyzed against the tea world market as a raw-material base, and also participants of the foreign trade turnover, types of delivered products and their volumes in value terms and kind are presented in details in the third section.
    Considerable influence on consumer preferences is rendered by tea package therefore that matter is described in the marketing review as well.
    Besides estimations and opinions of market participants on occurring situations and general prospects of further development of the market and its segments are resulted in the report. Also forecasts in kind and value terms by base, optimistic and pessimistic variants of development on such segments, as price, manufacture, capacity, import and export, and characteristic on leading players of the market including their key indicators of financial and economic activity are presented in the marketing review. Such aspects are included in the fourth and fifth sections of the report.

  • Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта

    1. General characteristic of the Russian tea market 2
     Current situation of  the Russian tea market 2
     Size of the Russian tea market 4
     Competitive environment 7
     Tea classification 9
     Problems of the Russian tea market  13
    2. Features of the Russian tea market 15
     The world tea market as a raw-material base for the Russian tea market 15
     Tea manufacturers 21
     Consumption and demand features  26
     Segmentation and price aspect 29
     Products sale  32
     Tea package market 35
     Market participants estimations and opinions  42
    3. Structure of the Russian tea market foreign trade turnover 47
     Tea import (commodity group0902) to Russia in 2008 49
     Tea export (commodity group 0902) from Russia in 2008 54
    4. Tendencies of branch development of the Russian tea market 58
     General trends in the market 58
     Market development forecast for the period 2009-2012 61
    5. Leading players of the Russian tea market and their characteristic 77
     Leading tea manufacturers  77
     Wholesale tea trade leaders 89
     Retail tea trade leaders  91
     The basic operators of foreign trade tea turnover 97


  • Перечень приложений

    1.1. Tea production volumes in Russia in kind during 2004-2009(5)
    1.2. Tea production volumes in Russia in value terms during 2004-2009(5)
    1.3. The Russian tea market capacity in kind during 2004 – 2008
    1.4. The Russian tea market capacity in value terms during 2004 – 2008
    2.1. Tea consumption per capita in a year in the various countries
    2.2. World production of black tea, forecast for 2010
    2.3. Black tea export in the world market, forecast for 2010
    2.4. Black tea consumption in the world market, forecast for 2010
    2.5. The largest tea manufacturers in Russia (TOP-20)
    2.6. Key financial figures of leading tea manufacturers in Russia
    2.7. Average wholesale prices of tea manufacturers in Russia during 2004-2008
    2.8. The largest leaders of wholesale tea trade in Russia (TOP-10)
    2.9. Key financial figures of leading leaders of wholesale tea trade in Russia
    3.1. Foreign trade tea turnover volumes in 2006-2009(5)
    3.2. The characteristic of foreign trade turnover of Tea commodity group codes
    3.3. Import and export tea deliveries volumes in 2008 detailed on Tea commodity group codes
    3.4. Tea deliveries volumes to Russia in 2008 detailed on consignors countries
    3.5. Tea import volume to Russia in 2008 detailed on consignees (ТОР-10, in value terms, commodity group of foreign trade activities - 0902)
    3.6. Tea deliveries volumes from Russia in 2008 detailed on consignees countries
    3.7. Tea export volume from Russia in 2008 detailed on consignors (ТОР-10, in value terms, commodity group of foreign trade activities - 0902)
    4.1. The base forecast of average manufacturers prices of packaged natural tea (high-quality) in 2009-2012
    4.2. The optimistic forecast of average manufacturers prices of packaged natural tea (high-quality) in 2009-2012
    4.3. The pessimistic forecast of average manufacturers prices of packaged natural tea (high-quality) in 2009-2012
    4.4. The base forecast of manufacture of packaged natural tea (high-quality) in kind during 2009-2012
    4.5. The base forecast of manufacture of packaged natural tea (high-quality) in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.6. The optimistic forecast of manufacture of packaged natural tea (high-quality) in kind during 2009-2012
    4.7. The optimistic forecast of manufacture of packaged natural tea (high-quality) in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.8. The pessimistic forecast of manufacture of packaged natural tea (high-quality) in kind during 2009-2012
    4.9. The pessimistic forecast of manufacture of packaged natural tea (high-quality) in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.10. The base forecast of capacity of the Russian tea market in kind during 2009-2012
    4.11. The base forecast of capacity of the Russian tea market in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.12. The optimistic forecast of capacity of the Russian tea market in kind during 2009-2012
    4.13. The optimistic forecast of capacity of the Russian tea market in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.14. The pessimistic forecast of capacity of the Russian tea market in kind during 2009-2012
    4.15. The pessimistic forecast of capacity of the Russian tea market in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.16. The base forecast of import tea deliveries to Russia in kind during 2009-2012
    4.17. The base forecast of import tea deliveries to Russia in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.18. The optimistic forecast of import tea deliveries to Russia in kind during 2009-2012
    4.19. The optimistic forecast of import tea deliveries to Russia in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.20. The pessimistic forecast of import tea deliveries to Russia in kind during 2009-2012
    4.21. The pessimistic forecast of import tea deliveries to Russia in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.22. The base forecast of export tea deliveries from Russia in kind during 2009-2012
    4.23. The base forecast of import tea deliveries from Russia in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.24. The optimistic forecast of export tea deliveries from Russia in kind during 2009-2012
    4.25. The optimistic forecast of export tea deliveries from Russia in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.26. The pessimistic forecast of export tea deliveries from Russia in kind during 2009-2012
    4.27. The pessimistic forecast of export tea deliveries from Russia in value terms during 2009-2012
    5.1. Estimated figures of financial and economic activity of OOO Nevskie porogi
    5.2. Estimated figures of financial and economic activity of the tea manufacturer – OOO Kompaniya May
    5.3. Estimated figures of financial and economic activity of OOO JUnilever Rus’
    5.4. Estimated figures of financial and economic activity of OOO SDS-FUDS
    5.5. Estimated figures of financial and economic activity of OOO Jakovlevskaya chaerazvesochnaya fabrika
    5.6. A share of products consignors countries for the company Orimi Treyd in value terms during 2008
    5.7. Product and its share in import deliveries volume of Orimi Treyd, (ТОР-10)
    5.8. A share of products consignors countries for Sibprodkompani in value terms during 2008
    5.9. Product and its share in import deliveries volume of Sibprodkompani, (ТОР-10)
    5.10. A share of products consignors countries for ZAO Kompaniya May in value terms during 2008
    5.11. Product and its share in import deliveries volume of ZAO Kompaniya May (ТОР-10)
    5.12. A share of products consignors countries for SDS-FUDS in value terms during 2008
    5.13. Product and its share in import deliveries volume of SDS-FUDS (ТОР-10)
    5.14. A share of products consignees countries of OOO JUnilever Rus’ in value terms during 2008 (ТОР-10)
    5.15. Product and its share in export deliveries volume of OOO JUnilever Rus’ (ТОР-10)
    5.16. A share of products consignees countries OOO Nevskie porogi in value terms during 2008
    5.17. Product and its share in export deliveries volume of OOO Nevskie porogi (ТОР-10)
    5.18. A share of products consignees countries of OOO Karavan in value terms during 2008 (ТОР-10)
    5.19. Product and its share in export deliveries volume of OOO Karavan (ТОР-10)
    5.20. A share of products consignees countries of OOO JUnayted export kompani in value terms during 2008
    5.21. Product and its share in export deliveries volume of OOO "JUnayted export kompani
    1.1. Trends figures of tea manufacture in Russia in kind during 2004-2008
    1.2. Trends figures of tea manufacture in Russia in value terms during 2004-2008
    1.3. Capacity trends figures of the Russian tea market in kind during 2004 – 2008
    1.4. Capacity trends figures of the Russian tea market in value terms during 2004 – 2008
    1.5. Shares of some leading companies groups in the Russian tea market
    2.1. Tea harvest in Russia during 2006-2008
    2.2. Tea consumption rate in Russia detailed on age groups
    2.3. Tea purchase rate in Russia detailed on age groups
    2.4. Recognition of the basic trade tea marks in Russia
    2.5. Structure of tea sales in Russia detailed by types in 2008-2009
    2.6. Shares of price segments in the Russian tea market
    2.7. Trends figures of an average wholesale price of tea manufacturers
    in Russia in 2004-2008
    2.8. Shares of distribution channels in the Russian tea market
    2.9. Quantum indexes of tea sale in Russia
    2.10. Market segmentation of the combined packing materials for tea dispensing (% from the combined packing materials)
    3.1. Trends figures of the foreign trade tea turnover in Russia in kind during 2006-2008
    3.2. Trends figures of the foreign trade tea turnover in Russia in value terms during 2006-2008
    3.3. Ratio of tea import and export in Russia in kind during 2006-2008
    3.4 Ratio of tea import and export in Russia in value terms during 2006-2008
    3.5. Tea consignors countries geography to Russia in kind during 2008 (TOP 10)
    3.6. Tea consignors countries geography to Russia in value terms during 2008
    3.7. Tea consignees countries geography from Russia in kind during 2008
    3.8. Tea consignees countries geography from Russia in value terms during 2008
    4.1. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of average prices of tea manufacturers in 2009-2012
    4.2. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of tea manufacture volumes in kind during 2009-2012
    4.3. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of tea manufacture volumes in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.4. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of tea market volumes in kind during 2009-2012
    4.5. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of tea market volumes in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.6. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of import tea deliveries volumes to Russia in kind during 2009-2012
    4.7. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of import tea deliveries volumes to Russia in value terms during 2009-2012
    4.8. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of export tea deliveries volumes from Russia in kind during 2009-2012
    4.9. Basic, pessimistic and optimistic variants of export tea deliveries volumes from Russia in value terms during 2009-2012
    5.1. Consignors countries geography of products for Orimi Treyd" in 2008 (ТОР-5)
    5.2. Consignors countries geography of products for Sibprodkompani in 2008
    5.3. Consignors countries geography of products for Kompani May in 2008 (ТОР-5)
    5.4. Consignors countries geography of products for SDS-FUDS in 2008 (ТОР-5)
    5.5. Consignees countries geography of JUnilever Rus’ products in 2008 (ТОР-5)
    5.6. Consignees countries geography of Nevskie porogi products in 2008
    5.7. Consignees countries geography of Karavan products in 2008 (ТОР-5)
    5.8. Consignees countries geography of JUnayted export kompani products in 2008 (ТОР-5)
    1. Example of brief supplemental company information
    2. Analysis of estimated figures of financial and economic company activity
    3. Analysis of foreign trade company activities
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