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Sauces and russian sauces market 2013

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Sauces and Russian sauces market - 2013 (артикул: 15504 16271)

Дата выхода отчета: 13 Июня 2013
География исследования: Россия
Период исследования:  
Количество страниц: 268
Язык отчета: Русский
Способ предоставления: электронный

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    Subject of research: MARKET OF SAUCES


    Regions of research:



    Main blocks of research:














    Types of sauces researched:






    The larges Russian enterprises with profiles:


    «EFKO» JSC




     The research includes the main enterprises’ production volumes, financial performance of activities, balance sheets, profit-and-loss reports, cash-flow statements, subsidiary enterprises and other information.

    Information sources used:

    Federal State Statistics Service

    Ministry of Economic Development

    Federal Customs Service

    Federal Tax Service

    Field expert evaluations

    Retail sales reports

    Materials of the field’s main players

    Field printed and electronic publications

    The research contains 80 schedules, 40 diagrams, 106 tables and 1 scheme.

    In 2012 volume of the Russian sour cream production amounted to ***,85 ths tons, that was almost **% more than in the previous year.

    Russian production of sour cream in 2009-2012 was characterized by seasonality. Thus, the peak of this good production is marked in April-July, and then production decreases till September.

    The largest part in the structure of the Russian sour cream production belongs to semifat sour cream (15-34%). In 2010 it had 93,7%. **% belong to low-fat sour cream (10-14%). A small share belongs to fat sour cream (over 35%) – **% in 2012. Since 2010 the share of the segment decreased by 0,16 %.

    Thus, popularity of high calorie products decreases annually, along with the growth of the share of relatively low fat content sour cream.

    Dynamics of the Russian import of ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production is unstable. Thus, in 2010 growth of volumes of foreign supplies was marked. However in 2011 this parameter decreased by 2% to **7,2 ths tons. In 2012 it decreased by 0,5% and amounted to **6,7 ths tons.

    In 2012 about 23% of all Russian import belonged to ketchup and tomato paste. Almost one fifth belonged to soy sauce –19,8%. Mustard and mustard powder in 2012 had almost 4% of all Russian sauces import in physical terms. The largest part of imported ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production was represented by other types of sauces.

    In 2012 about **,7 ths tons of all ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production were supplied from the territory of Republic of Korea. 3,3 ths tons less belonged to import of these products from Netherlands – 14,4 ths tons. Volumes of supplies from Vietnam and Ukraine in 2012 amounted to**,61 ths tons and 11,56 ths tons respectively.

    It should be marked that supplies from Korea and Netherlands in 2012 decreased – by 11% (or 2,3 ths tons) and by 14% (or 2,4 ths tons) respectively. At the same time import from Vietnam and Ukraine increased by 7% and 4%.

    In 2012 volume of supplies of ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production from China and Estonia increased significantly. 

    Profits from sales of Russian mustard on the external market exceeded *** mln dollars. It was 1%, than proceeds of 2011. It should be mentioned that in 2010-2011 export parameters in cost terms were equal - *** ths dollars, although in physical terms parameters decreased.

    Export of ready-to-eat mustard and mustard powder from Russia is characterized by pronounced seasonal fluctuations: in the middle of the year volumes of supplies decrease. Such a dynamics was due to the decrease of this good production in summer months, caused by some decrease of consumption.

    The largest part of export of ready-to-eat mustard and mustard powder belongs to Kazakhstan. In 2012 supplies to this country amounted to *** tons. USA ranked second with the parameter of *58 tons, Lithuania - third, markets of which consumed *32 tons of goods produced in Russia. Compared to 2011 export of mustard to the market of USA increased 6 times, Lithuanian market – 53%, at the same time the largest importer of domestic mustard – Kazakhstan – decreased consumption volume by 32%.

  • Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта



    1.1. Population of Russia

    Population number

    Largest citiec

    Population’s standard of living

    E conomic activity

    1.2. Economic situation

    Dynamics of economy development

    Stability of state budget

    1.3. Position of Russia in the world

    RF share in the world population


    2.1. Sauces

    2.2. Mayonnaise

    2.3. Ketchup and tomato sauce

    2.4. Mustard

    2.5. Soy sauce


    3.1. Sauces (in general)

    Segmentation of sauces market

    3.2. Mayonnaise

    Dynamics of the market volume

    Import content on the Russian marke

    Consumption of mayonnaise in Russia

    3.3. Ketchup and tomato sauce

    Dynamics of the market volume

    Import content on the Russian market

    Consumption of ketchup in Russia

    3.4. Soy sauce

    Dynamics of the market volume

    Import content on the market

    Segmentation of the Russian market by the largest companies

    3.5. Mustard

    Dynamics of the market volume

    Import content on the market


    4.1. Development of sauces consumption structure

    4.2. New products on the market sauces and dressings

    4.3. Trends on the market of sauces packing

    4.4. Foreign and Russian companies

    4.5. Strengthening of large companies position


    5.1. Economic and political factors

    5.2. S ocial factors

    5.3. Competition on the market

    5.4. Seasonality impact



    7.1 Structure of the market by players

    7.2 Heinz

    7.3 Unilever

    7.4. Essen Production

    7.5. Efko


    8.1. Mayonnaise

    Production dynamics by years

    Production dynamics by months

    Production volume by federal districts

    Production volume by regions

    8.2. Sour cream

    Dynamics of Russian production by years

    Dynamics of Russian production by months

    Production structure by fatness

    Production volume by federal districts

    Production volume by regions

    8.3. Ketchup and tomato sauce

    Dynamics of Russian production by years

    Dynamics of Russian production by months

    Production volume by federal districts

    Production volume by regions

    8.4. Ready-to-eat mustard

    Dynamics of production volume by years

    Dynamics of production volume by months

    Production volume by federal districts of RF

    Production volume in regions of RF

    8.5. Soy sauce

    Dynamics of production volume by years

    Dynamics of production volumes by months

    Production structure by regions and federal districts


    9.1. Mayonnaise (up to 2009)

    Production volume of the largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production by largest enterprises

    9.2. Sour cream (up to 2009)

    Production volume of the largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production by largest enterprises

    9.3. Ketchup and tomato sauce (up to 2009)

    Production volume of the largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production by largest Russian enterprises

    9.4. Mustard (up to 2009)

    Production volume of the largest Russian enterprises

    Structure of production by largest enterprises

    9.5. By total revenues volume (up to 2011)

    Production of spices and seasonings


    10.1. Ready-to-eat sauces and products for sauces production

    Dynamics of import volume by years

    Import structure by types

    Import by supplying countries in physical terms

    Import by supplying countries in cost terms

    10.2. Ketchup and tomato sauce

    Dynamics of import volume by years

    Dynamics of import volume by months

    Import volume by countries of origin

    Import structure by countries of origin

    10.3. Soy sauce

    Dynamics of import volume by years

    Dynamics of import volume by months

    Import volumes by supplying countries

    Import structure by supplying countries

    Largest supplying countries of soy sauce

    10.4. Mustard

    Dynamics of import volume by years

    Dynamics of import volume by months

    Import volumes by supplying countries

    Import structure by supplying countries


    11.1. Ready-to-eat sauces and products for sauces production

    Dynamics of export volumes by years

    Export structure by types

    Export by countries of destination in physical terms

    Export by countries of destination in cost terms

    11.2. Ketchup and tomato sauce

    Dynamics of export volumes by years

    Dynamics of export volume by months

    Export volume by countries of destination

    Export structure by countries of destination

    11.3. Soy sauce

    Dynamics of export volumes by years

    Dynamics of export volume by months

    Export volumes by countries of destination

    Export structure by countries of destination

    11.4. Mustard

    Dynamics of export volumes by years

    Dynamics of export volume by months

    Export volumes by countries of destination

    Export structure by countries of destination


    12.1. Mayonnaise

    Dynamics of producer prices by years

    Dynamics of producer prices by months

    12.2. Sour cream

    Dynamics of producer prices by years

    Dynamics of producer prices by months

    12.3. Ketchup and tomato sauce

    Dynamics of producer prices by years

    Dynamics of producer prices by months

    12.4. Mustard

    Dynamics of producer prices by months


    13.1. Mayonnaise

    Dynamics of retail prices by years

    Dynamics of retail prices by months

    13.2. Sour cream

    Dynamics of retail prices by years

    Dynamics of retail prices by months

    13.3. Ketchup and tomato sauce

    Dynamics of retail prices by years

    Dynamics of retail prices by months


    14.1. Sauces

    14.2. Mayonnaise

    14.3. Ketchup and tomato sauce



    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement

    Financials of activity

    15.3 «EFKO» JSC

    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement

    Financials of activity

    15.2. «NZHMK» JSC

    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement

    Financials of activity

    15.4. «UNILEVER RUS» LLC

    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement

    Financials of activity


    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statemen t

    Cash flow statement

    Financials of activity



  • Перечень приложений

     List of schedules

    1. Dynamics of resident population number of Russia in 2000, 2005, 2010 and forecast for 2015 and 2020, ths people

    2. Dynamics of actual household disposable income in Russia in 2000-2010, %

    3. Forecast of the ratio of demographic load dynamics in 2011-2033

    4. Dynamics of number of employed and unemployed people in RF in 2006-2010, ths people

    5. Dynamics of share of the unemployed in economically active population by FD of RF in 2006-2010, %

    6. Dynamics of GDP of RF in prices of 2008 in2001-2011, billion rubles

    7. Investments into the fixed capital of RF in 2001-2010

    8. Surplus/deficit of consolidated budget of RF in 2006-2010, %

    9. Dynamics of total external debt of RF in 2001-2010

    10. Dynamics of the Russian external debt structure by the main sectors in 2001-2010, %

    11. Consumer prices index in RF in 2001-2010, %

    12. Share of RF in the population of the world in 2000-2010 and forecast until 2100

    13. Dynamics of the Russian mayonnaise market in physical terms in 2009-2012 , ths tons

    14. Dynamics of the Russian mayonnaise market in cost terms in 2009-2012, billion rubles

    15. Per capita consumption of mayonnaise in Russia in 2007-2010, kg/person

    16. Dynamics of the Russian ketchup and tomato sauces market in 2009-2012 , ths tons

    17. Dynamics of the Russian ketchup and tomato sauces market in cost terms in 2009-2012, billion rubles

    18. Per capita consumption of ketchup and tomato sauces in Russia in 2009-2012, kg/person

    19. Dynamics of the Russian soy sauce market in physical terms in 2009-2012, tons

    20. Dynamics of the Russian soy sauce market in cost terms in 2009-2012, billion rubles

    21. Dynamics of the Russian mustard market in physical terms in 2009-2012, tons

    22. Dynamics of the Russian mustard market in cost terms in 2009-2012, billion rubles

    23. Dynamics of the Russian mayonnaise production volume in 2009-2012, tons

    24. Dynamics of Russian mayonnaise production by months in 2009- March 2013, tons

    25. Dynamics of the Russian sour cream production in 2009-2012, tons

    26. Dynamics of Russian sour cream production by months in 2009-March 2013, tons

    27. Dynamics of the Russian volume of ketchup and other tomato sauces production in 2009-2012, ths cond cans

    28. Dynamics of Russian production of ketchup and other tomato sauces by months in 2009-March 2013, ths cond cans

    29. Dynamics of the Russian ready-to-eat production volume in 2009-2012, tons

    30. Dynamics of the Russian ready-to-eat mustard production volume by months in 2009-March 2013, tons

    31. Dynamics of the Russian soy sauce production volume in 2009-2012, ths cond cans

    32. Dynamics of Russian soy sauce production by months in 2009-March 2013, ths cond cans

    33. Dynamics of mayonnaise production volume by the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2009, tons

    34. Dynamics of production volumes of sour cream on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2009, tons

    35. Dynamics of production volume of ketchup and tomato sauces on the largest enterprises of RF in 2007-2009, ths cond cans

    36. Dynamics of production volumes of ready-to-eat mustard on the largest enterprises of RF in 2006-2009, tons

    37. Dynamics of the volume of Russian import of ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production in physical terms in 2009-2012, tons

    38. Dynamics of the volume of Russian import of ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production in cost terms in 2009-2012, ths dollars

    39. Dynamics of the Russian import of ketchup and other tomato sauces in 2009-2012, tons

    40. Dynamics of the Russian import of ketchup and other tomato sauces in cost terms in 2009-2012, ths dollars

    41. Dynamics of the Russian import of ketchup and other tomato sauces by months in physical terms in 2009-2012, tons

    42. Dynamics of the Russian import of ketchup and other tomato sauces by months in cost terms in 2009-2012, ths dollars

    43. Dynamics of the Russian import of soy sauce in physical terms in 2009-2012, tons

    44. Dynamics of the Russian import of soy sauce in cost terms in 2009-2012, ths dollars

    45. Dynamics of the Russian import of soy sauce by months in physical terms in 2009-2012, tons

    46. Dynamics of the Russian import of soy sauce by months in cost terms in 2009-2012, ths dollars

    47. Dynamics of the Russian import of mustard in physical terms in 2009-2012, tons

    48. Dynamics of the Russian import of mustard in cost terms in 2009-2012, ths dollars

    49. Dynamics of the Russian import of mustard by months in physical terms in 2009-2012, tons

    50. Dynamics of the Russian import of mustard by months in cost terms in 2009-2012, ths dollars

    51. Dynamics of the Russian export of ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production in 2009-2012, tons

    52. Dynamics of the Russian export of ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production in 2009-2012, ths dollars

    53. Dynamics of the Russian export of tomato ketchup in 2009-2012, tons

    54. Dynamics of the Russian export of tomato ketchup in 2009-2012, ths dollars

    55. Dynamics of the Russian export of tomato ketchup by months in 2009- 2012, tons

    56. Dynamics of the Russian export of tomato ketchup by months in 2009-2012, ths dollars

    57. Dynamics of the Russian export of soy sauce in 2009-2012, tons

    58. Dynamics of the Russian export of soy sauce in 2009-2012, ths dollars

    59. Dynamics of the Russian export of soy sauce by months in 2009-2012, tons

    60. Dynamics of the Russian export of soy sauce by months in 2009- 2012, ths dollars

    61. Dynamics of the Russian export of mustard in 2009-2012, tons

    62. Dynamics of the Russian export of mustard in 2009-2012, ths dollars

    63. Dynamics of the Russian export of mustard by months in 2009-2012, tons

    64. Dynamics of the Russian export of mustard by months in 2009-2012, ths dollars

    65. Dynamics of average producer prices for mayonnaise in RF in 2007-2012, rub/ton

    66. Dynamics of average producer prices for mayonnaise in RF by months in 2010- January 2013, rub/ton

    67. Dynamics of average producer prices for sour cream in RF in 2007-2012, rub/ton

    68. Dynamics of average producer prices for sour cream in RF by months in 2010-2012 , rub/ton

    69. Dynamics of average producer prices for ketchup in RF in 2010-2012 , rub/ton

    70. Dynamics of average producer prices for ketchup in RF by months in 2010-2012 , rub/ton

    71. Dynamics of average retail prices for mayonnaise in RF in 2007-2012, rub/kg

    72. Dynamics of average retail prices for mayonnaise in RF by months in 2009-April 2013, rub/kg

    73. Dynamics of average retail prices for sour cream in RF in 2007-2012, rub/kg

    74. Dynamics of average retail prices for sour cream in RF by months in 2009-April 2013, rub/kg

    75. Dynamics of average retail prices for ketchup in RF in 2007-2012, rub/kg

    76. Dynamics of average retail prices for ketchup in RF by months in 2009-April 2013, rub/kg

    77. Share of consumers of mayonnaise, ketchup and ready-to-eat sauces in RF in 2000 and 2012, %

    78. Consumer preferences on the market of sauces in 2010 and 2012, %

    79. Dishes, while cooking of which ketchup and tomato sauce is used , %

    80. Dishes , to which respondents add ketchup and tomato sauce after cooking , %

    List of diagrams

    1. Structure of the Russian population number compared to the working age in 2011-2031, % ( medium variant of forecast )

    2. Dynamics of the number of employed an dunemployed peole in Russia in 2000-2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, mln people

    3. Change of structure of RF external debt in 2009-2013 ( as of January 1 ), %

    4. Structure of the Russian market of sauces by types in 2011-2012*, %

    5. Dynamics of import content on the Russian market of mayonnaise in physical terms in 2009-2012, %

    6. Dynamics of import content on the Russian market ketchup and tomato sauces in physical terms in 2009-2012, %

    7. Dynamics of import content on the Russian market of soy sauce in physical terms in 2009-2012, %

    8. Structure of the Russian market of soy sauce by the largest companies in 2011-2012, %

    9. Dynamics of import content on the Russian market mustard in physical terms in 2009-2012, %

    10. Structure of the Russian market of sauces and seasonings by the largest players in 2012, %

    11. Structure of the Russian production of sour cream by fatness in physical terms in 2009-2012, %

    12. Structure of the Russian production soy sauce by federal districts and regions in 2012, %

    13. Shares of the largest enterprises in the structure of all-Russian mayonnaise production in 2009, %

    14. Structure of mayonnaise production by the largest producers in 2011, %

    15. Shares of the largest enterprises in all-Russian structure of sour cream production in 2009, %

    16. Shares of the largest enterprises in all-Russian structure of ketchup and tomato sauces production in 2009, %

    17. Shares of the largest enterprises in all-Russian structure of ready-to-eat mustard production in 2009, %

    18. Import structure of ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production by types in physical terms in 2012, %

    19. Import structure of ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production by types in cost terms in 2012, %

    20. Structure of the Russian import of ketchup and other tomato sauces by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012, %

    21. Change of structure of the Russian import of ketchup and other tomato sauces in physical terms in 2009-2012, %

    22. Structure of the Russian import of ketchup and other tomato sauces by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012, %

    23. Change of structure of the Russian import of ketchup and other tomato sauces in cost terms in 2009-2012, %

    24. Structure of the Russian import of soy sauce by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012, %

    25. Change of structure of the Russian import of soy sauce in physical terms in 2009-2012, %

    26. Structure of the Russian import of soy sauce by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012, %

    27. Change of structure of the Russian import of soy sauce in cost terms in 2009-2012, %

    28. Structure of the Russian import of mustard by countries of origin in physical terms in 2012, %

    29. Change of structure of the Russian import of mustard in physical terms in 2009-2012, %

    30. Structure of the Russian import of mustard by countries of origin in cost terms in 2012, %

    31. Change of structure of the Russian import of mustard in cost terms in 2009-2012, %

    32. Export structure of ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production by types in physical terms in 2012, %

    33. Export structure of ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production by types in cost terms in 2012, %

    34. Structure of the Russian export of ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production by countries of destination in physical terms in 2012, %

    35. Structure of the Russian export of ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production by countries of destination in cost terms in 2012, %

    36. Structure of the Russian export of tomato ketchup by countries of destination in physical terms in 2012, %

    37. Structure of the Russian export of tomato ketchup by countries of destination in cost terms in 2012, %

    38. Structure of the Russian export of soy sauce by countries of destination in physical terms in 2012, %

    39. Structure of the Russian export of soy sauce by countries of destination in cost terms in 2012, %

    40. Structure of mayonnaise consumption by the degree of fatness in 2004-2010, %

    List of tables

    1. Population number of the largest cities of Russia according to Russian general census of 2010, ths. peop le

    2. Largest companies on the market of soy sauce in RF in physical terms in 2011

    3. Largest companies on the market of soy sauce in RF in physical terms in 2012, tons

    4. Volume of the Russian mayonnaise production in 2009-March 2013, tons

    5. Volume of the Russian mayonnaise production by federal districts in 2009-March 2013, tons

    6. Volume of the Russian mayonnaise production in regions of RF in 2009-March 2013, tons

    7. Volume of the Russian sour cream production by months in 2009-March 2013, tons

    8. Volume of the Russian sour cream production by months in 2009-March 2013, tons

    9. Volume of the Russian sour cream production by regions in 2009-March 2013, tons

    10. Production volumes of the Russian ketchup and other tomato sauces by months in 2009-March 2013, ths cond cans

    11. Dynamics of Russian production of ketchup and other tomato sauces in 2009-March 2013, ths cond cans

    12. Production volumes of the Russian ketchup and other tomato sauces in 2009-March 2013, ths cond cans

    13. Production dynamics of mustard powder in RF in 2009-2012, tons

    14. Volume of the Russian ready-to-eat mustard production by months in 2009-March 2013, tons

    15. Volume of the Russian ready-to-eat mustard production by federal districts in 2009-March 2013, tons

    16. Production volumes of ready-to-eat mustard by regions in 2009-March 2013, tons

    17. Production volumes of the Russian soy sauce by months in 2009-March 2013, ths cond cans

    18. Production volumes of the Russian soy sauce by subjects of RF in 2009-March 2013, ths cond cans

    19. Mayonnaise production volume by the largest Russian producers in 2006-2009, tons

    20. Production volume of sour cream at the largest Russian enterprises in 2006-2009, tons

    21. Largest producers and volumes of ketchup and tomato sauces production in Russia, ths cond. cans

    22. Production volume of ready-to-eat mustard by the largest Russian producers in 2006-2009, tons

    23. The largest Russian producers of spices and seasonings by the volume of revenues in 2008-2011, ths rubles

    24. Volumes of the Russian import of sauces by types in 2009-2012, tons

    25. Cost of the Russian sauces import by types in 2009-2012 , ths dollars

    26. Volume of the Russian import of ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production by supplying countries in physical terms in 2009- January 2013, tons

    27. Volume of the Russian import of ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production by supplying countries in cost terms in 2009-January 2013, ths dollars

    28. Volumes of the Russian import of ketchup and other tomato sauces by months in physical terms in 2009-January 2013, tons

    29. Volumes of the Russian import of ketchup and other tomato sauces by months in cost terms in 2009-January 2013, ths dollars

    30. Volumes of the Russian import of ketchup and other tomato sauces by countries of origin in physical terms in 2009-January 2013, tons

    31. Volumes of the Russian import of ketchup and other tomato sauces by countries of origin in cost terms in 2009-January 2013, ths dollars

    32. Volumes of the Russian import of soy sauce by months in physical terms in 2009-January 2013, tons

    33. Volumes of the Russian import of soy sauce by months in cost terms in 2009-January 2013, ths dollars

    34. Volumes of the Russian import of soy sauce by supplying countries in physical terms in 2009-2012, tons

    35. Volumes of the Russian import of soy sauce by supplying countries in cost terms in 2009-January. 2013 , ths tons

    36. Largest supplying countries of soy sauce on the Russian market in 2009

    37. Largest supplying countries of soy sauce on the Russian market in 2010

    38. Largest supplying countries of soy sauce on the Russian market in 2011

    39. Largest supplying countries of soy sauce on the Russian market in 2012

    40. Volumes of the Russian import of mustard in physical terms by months in 2009- January 2013, tons

    41. Volumes of the Russian import of mustard in cost terms by months in 2009-January 2013, ths dollars

    42. Volumes of the Russian import of mustard by supplying countries in physical terms in 2009-January 2013, tons

    43. Volumes of the Russian import of mustard by supplying countries in cost terms in 2009-January 2013, ths dollars

    44. Export volumes of sauces and ingredients for their production by types in physical terms in 2007-January 2013, tons

    45. Export structure of sauces and ingredients for their production by types in cost terms in 2007-January 2013, tons

    46. Volumes of the Russian export of ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production by countries of destination in 2009- January 2013, tons

    47. Volumes of the Russian export of ready-to-eat sauces and ingredients for their production by countries of destination in 2009- January 2013, ths dollars

    48. Dynamics of the Russian export of tomato ketchup by months in 2009- January 2013, tons

    49. Dynamics of the Russian export of tomato ketchup by months in 2009- January 2013, ths dollars

    50. Volume of the Russian export of tomato ketchup by countries of destination in 2009-January 2013, tons

    51. Volume of the Russian export of tomato ketchup by countries of destination in 2009-January 2013, ths dollars

    52. Dynamics of the Russian export of soy sauce by months in 2009-January 2013, tons

    53. Dynamics of the Russian export of soy sauce by months in 2009-January 2013, ths dollars

    54. Volumes of the Russian export of soy sauce by countries of destination in 2009-January 2013, tons

    55. Volumes of the Russian export of soy sauce by countries of destination in 2009-January 2013, ths dollars

    56. Dynamics of the Russian export of mustard by months in 2009-January 2013, tons

    57. Dynamics of the Russian export of mustard by months in 2009-January 2013, ths dollars

    58. Volumes of the Russian export of mustard by countries of destination in 2007-January 2013, tons

    59. Volumes of the Russian export of mustard by countries of destination in 2009-January 2013, ths dollars

    60. Average producer prices for mayonnaise in RF in 2010-January 2013, rub/ton

    61. Average producer prices for sour cream in RF in 2010-January 2013, rub/ton

    62. Average producer prices for sour cream in RF in 2010-January 2013, rub/ton

    63. Average producer prices for ready-to-eat mustard in RF in 2012-January 2013, rub/ton

    64. Average consumer prices for mayonnaise in RF in 2007- April 2013, rub/kg

    65. Average consumer prices for sour cream in RF by months in 2007- April 2013, rub/kg

    66. Average consumer prices for ketchup in RF by months in 2007- April 2013, rub/kg

    67. The most popular brands of ready-to-eat sauces among Russian consumers in 2005 and 2012, %

    68. The most popular brands of mayonnaise and mayonnais e sauces among Russian consumers in 2005 and 2012, %

    69. The most popular brands of ketchup and tomato sauces among Russian consumers in 2005 and 2012, %

    70. Number of personnel of «Essen production AG» JSC, people

    71. Shareholders of «Essen production AG» JSC

    72. Production volumes of «Essen production AG» JSC

    73. Balance sheet of «Essen production AG» JSC, ths rubles

    74. Profit and loss statement of «Essen production AG» JSC, ths rubles

    75. Cash flow statement of «Essen production AG» JSC, ths rubles

    76. Financials of activity of «Essen production AG» JSC

    77. Subsidiaries of «EFKO» JSC

    78. Shareholders of «EFKO» JSC

    79. Production volumes of «EFKO» JSC

    80. Balance sheet of «EFKO» JSC, ths rubles

    81. Profit and loss statement of «EFKO» JSC, ths rubles

    82. Cash flow statement of «EFKO» JSC, ths rubles

    83. Financials of activity of «EFKO» JSC

    84. Number of personnel of «NMZHK» JSC, people

    85. Subsidiaries of «NMZHK» JSC

    86. Shareholders/founders of «NMZHK» JSC

    87. Production volumes of «NMZHK» JSC

    88. Balance sheet «NMZHK» JSC, ths rubles

    89. Profit and loss statement of «NMZHK» JSC, ths rubles

    90. Cash flow statement of «NMZHK» JSC, ths rubles

    91. Financials of activity of «NMZHK» JSC

    92. Subsidiaries of «UNILEVER RUS» LLC

    93. Shareholders/founders of «UNILEVER RUS» LLC

    94. Production volumes of «UNILEVER RUS» LLC

    95. Balance sheet of «UNILEVER RUS» LLC, ths rubles

    96. Profit and loss statement of «UNILEVER RUS» LLC, ths rubles

    97. Cash flow statement of «UNILEVER RUS» LLC, ths rubles

    98. Financials of activity of «UNILEVER RUS» LLC

    99. Number of personnel of «Kazanskiy Zhirovoy Kombinat» JSC, people

    100. Subsidiaries of «Kazanskiy Zhirovoy Kombinat» JSC

    101. Shareholders/founders of «Kazanskiy Zhirovoy Kombinat» JSC

    102. Production volumes of «Kazanskiy Zhirovoy Kombinat» JSC

    103. Balance sheet of «Kazanskiy Zhirovoy Kombinat» JSC, ths rubles

    104. Profit and loss statement of «Kazanskiy Zhirovoy Kombinat» JSC, ths rubles

    105. Cash flow statement of «Kazanskiy Zhirovoy Kombinat» JSC, ths rubles

    106. Financials of activity of «Kazanskiy Zhirovoy Kombinat» JSC

    List of schemes:

    1. Classification of mayonnaise by the fat weight fraction

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